Monday, October 15, 2012


these two and their scarfs!

I just HAD to share this one:

i think she truly believes that i can’t spot her hiding in the clothes racks — love this girl.
happy week!

last one, promise..... UP & DOWN

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Updates | oh lovely updates...

morning reading....

eye exam.....

the boy post bath......

nature watching...

the artist at work....
apple lover....


apparently i was in a red mood this morning…


fingers crossed we’ll all be getting a lot more of it in the coming days…
hooray for sleep consultants!
today was one of those days. here’s hoping for a happier tomorrow.
holding onto summer....

slide races...

milk mustache.....

apple face....

every time i gave him a piece of apple today, he made this face. i gave him a lot of apples…

tippy toes.....



an afternoon at the enjoy centre with friends.

that evening

she may not always be particularly gentle, but she sure does hug with feeling.

again with boxes.....

xoxo Grace
P.S. hailey you are in my prayers..... <3